What is an Energy Conscious Organisation?

An Energy Conscious Organisation is one who has employed behaviour change principles to make significant improvements towards the ultimate goal of achieving Level 4 on the EnCO Matrix



Very high levels of engagement at every level of organisation on energy management including top management practices, significant users and all colleagues. All levels enthused and taking positive action.

High levels of alertness/awareness across organisation to eliminate energy waste, mechanisms to register waste with clear responsibilities delegated and practical responses regularly actioned.

Top management, practitioners and significant users fully skilled in their energy management roles. Commitment to continual learning and up-skilling by ongoing investment in education, competency and training.

The benefits and co-benefits of energy management are widely recognised and data systems track savings against robust energy targets. Those making savings are routinely recognised and celebrated.

The organisation positively expects and embraces change, adapting and responding to minimise risk and maximise opportunities in a timely way to maintain continual improvement in energy management.