The benefits of sticking together
16th Dec 2024
In my last blog of the year, I thought I would reflect on what has been a pretty tumultuous year and for EUA, thanks to its members, a pretty good one too.
Without doubt the biggest coup of the year was the campaign we undertook against the Clean Heat Market Mechanism and the resulting boiler tax. From its outset, to where we ended, it has taken two years. Thanks to the decisions made by the new Minister, our persistence of behalf of the boiler manufacturers, has resulted in an overall reduction in fines (which would simply have been added to consumers’ bills) of £650 million. It’s a huge sum and a result we should all feel proud of achieving.
Without doubt, one of the lessons learnt is that when our industry sticks together, we can make change happen. For example, when gas networks go into print supporting the boiler manufacturers, it is a real sign of strength. It makes people sit up and notice.
Next year I expect our industry will be vilified again, yet it still provides heat and hot water to 85 per cent of the population and meets the energy needs of 522,000 industrial and commercial customers. We provide the gas to generate power when the wind doesn’t blow and provide a route to inject biomethane into the energy system, reducing the UK’s carbon footprint. Our industry isn’t going away, regardless of what some might hope.
That’s why sticking together is so important. If one bit of the industry wants to distance itself from the rest, it won’t insulate them from criticism, but it will weaken everyone. We provide huge quantities of energy to people; we are at the forefront of thinking on how to decarbonise gas and frankly consumers like what we offer. These basic facts should unite us in our desire to inject common-sense into energy policy.
“By the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone”. I read that somewhere and it applies to our industry right now.
On behalf of everyone at EUA, I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – together, let’s make it another good one.
Mike Foster
EUA's Chief Executive
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