Storm Darragh, the shape of things to come?
9th Dec 2024
Yes, it was a battering in west Worcestershire, but I got off lightly – power cuts for a few hours and a couple of hundred quids worth of damage.
Many others suffered much more, so I’m not complaining. But a couple of things did strike me as worthy of further consideration.
Across the country hundreds of thousands were without power, as I write this many still are. Our network is relatively fragile it seems. In rural areas this is proving to be a problem. Online advice is pointless when you have no power and no mobile signal. When we have issues with water supply, Severn Trent send updates by text, why can’t power networks?
It seems the UK is embarked on a massive ramp up of electrification, yet seemingly unable to make our network more resilient. There was not a jot of irony when the Climate Change Committee representative, interviewed about the storm and likely future occurrences, told us to prepare for more frequent and severe occurrences when at the same time they bang the drum for even more of our energy delivered by the power lines that are so fragile.
This then brings me to a dirty word, well offensive to some, ‘adaptation’. We are pressured into spending vast sums to mitigate the impact of UK carbon emissions, our one per cent of the global sum, but little is said about what we should be doing to protect ourselves from the impact of climate change. Adaptation should stop being a word we can’t utter and become one we need to shout about.
It is the lives of ordinary citizens in the UK that are being impacted. Their homes flooded; their services cut off; they are paying the price now and will do so in the future. When organisations like the CCC are asking the public to spend hundreds of billions to mitigate the impact of them eating meat or driving a car, who pays for adaptation?
And when considering the answer to this question, also advise the public on how much it is going to cost. Let’s set out the facts, as best we know them. Then the public can have their say - adapt, mitigate or both.
Mike Foster
EUA's Chief Executive
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