The Resources page hosts an array of useful information for consumers and installers, non-members and members alike. Only members are able to contribute to consultation responses, for more information about how to join, please visit the membership page.
371.37 Kb
GVN response to the DfT Low Carbon Fuels Strategy call for ideas
349.90 Kb
GVN response to the Environmental Audit Committee Negative Emissions Technologies call for evidence
354.80 Kb
GVN response to the Transport Committee Fuelling the future inquiry
566.34 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS Phasing out fossil fuel heating in off-grid homes consultation
38.25 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Government Designing a framework for transparency of carbon content in energy products call for evidence
81.33 Kb
HHIC response to the Scottish Government Proposed changes to Energy Standards and associated topics consultation
355.40 Kb
GVN response to the Transport Committee Road Freight inquiry
29.46 Kb
HHIC response to the Scottish Government cladding building standards consultation
352.61 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Net Zero Governance inquiry
382.12 Kb
GVN response to the DfT Phasing out non-zero HGVs consultation
376.31 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS ECO4 consultation
556.27 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Role of biomass in achieving net zero call for evidence
263.39 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Committee Findings of the Report of Climate Assembly UK inquiry
315.77 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Government Heat in Buildings Strategy consultation
454.89 Kb
GVN response to the DfT Next steps for the RTFO consultation
461.27 Kb
ICOM response to the MHCLG Future Buildings Standard consultation
535.90 Kb
EUA response to the MHCLG Future Buildings Standard consultation
270.36 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Government New Build Heat Standard consultation
258.95 Kb
EUA response to the Welsh Government Building Regulations Part L and F Review Stage 2A consultation
280.99 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Improving home energy performance through lenders consultation
368.93 Kb
EUA response to the PGES 40th Anniversary Inquiry
355.39 Kb
EUA response to the Science and Technology Committee hydrogen inquiry
368.31 Kb
EUA response to the Labour Party Green Economic Recovery consultation
911.69 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Select Committee Decarbonising heat in homes inquiry
331.94 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Green Gas Levy consultation
276.47 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Government Improving energy efficiency in owner occupied homes consultation
578.14 Kb
GVN submission to the 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review
690.62 Kb
EUA submission to the 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review
647.11 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Better regulation for existing Ecodesign measures call for evidence
278.98 Kb
Utility Networks response to the RIIO-2 Draft Determinations consultation
574.47 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS Future Support for Low Carbon Heat consultation
343.86 Kb
GVN response to the BEIS Future Support for Low Carbon Heat consultation
364.00 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Just Transition Commission call for evidence
353.61 Kb
EUA response to the Environmental Audit Committee Hydrogen call for evidence
312.27 Kb
EUA response to the APPG for Hydrogen call for evidence
487.12 Kb
GVN response to the DfT Introducing E10 petrol consultation
529.57 Kb
EUA response to the Welsh Government Building Regulations Part L and F Review
292.75 Kb
GVN response to the CCC Sixth Carbon Budget call for evidence
513.08 Kb
EUA response to the CCC Sixth Carbon Budget call for evidence
557.32 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Government Local energy policy statement consultation
169.45 Kb
UN response to the BEIS Smart Meter Policy Framework consultation
268.42 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Fuel Poverty Strategy consultation
132.31 Kb
EUA response to the Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy 2025 consultation
144.11 Kb
HHIC response to the ECO3 - Improving consumer protection consultation
135.36 Kb
HHIC response to proposals for reform of building safety regulations
256.70 Kb
EUA response to the Treasury Committee decarbonisation and green finance inquiry
755.63 Kb
EUA response to the Scottish Government Future of low carbon heat for off gas buildings call for evidence
151.83 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Select Committee Financing energy infrastructure inquiry
258.85 Kb
EUA response to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework consultation
304.48 Kb
EUA response to Greater Manchester’s Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment
161.48 Kb
EUA response to the RIIO-2 sector specific methodology consultation
210.60 Kb
HHIC response to The future for small-scale low-carbon generation consultation
243.47 Kb
NGVN response to the REA Bioenergy Strategy call for evidence
261.21 Kb
HHIC response to the BEIS Clean Growth - Transforming Heating document
475.41 Kb
EUA response to the BEIS Select Committee energy efficiency inquiry
199.58 Kb
Utility Networks response to 'Encouraging innovation in regulated utilities'
310.49 Kb
DEFRA Clean Air Strategy Consultation NGVN response
217.15 Kb
Changes to the reduced rate of VAT for Energy Saving Materials consultation: HHIC response
290.19 Kb
The Energy Technology List: Call for Evidence
229.90 Kb
Stage 2 consultation on 'MCS equivalence' for the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme
117.99 Kb
Review of support for Anaerobic Digestion and micro-Combined Heat and Power under the Feed-in Tariffs scheme
62.03 Kb
HHIC response to Each Home Counts Quality Mark Framework Consultation Process
877.42 Kb
HHIC response to ‘A future framework for heat in buildings: call for evidence’
132.08 Kb
EUA response to the Proposals regarding setting standards for smart appliances consultation
331.14 Kb
RIIO-2 Framework Consultation
256.59 Kb
HHIC response to Energy Company Obligation: ECO3, 2018 to 2022
269.34 Kb
HHIC response to Domestic Private Rented Sector Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency Consultation
346.87 Kb
HHIC response to proposed changes to government’s standard assessment procedure (SAP)
232.64 Kb
Consultation on additional measures to support individuals and businesses affected by local NO2 plans
216.24 Kb
NGVN response to the TfL Category B Driving Licence Derogation consultation
283.66 Kb
EUA response to the Ofgem open letter on the RIIO-2 Framework
45.53 Kb
NGVN response to DEFRA NO2 in Towns and Cities Consultation
346.00 Kb
Heat in Buildings, The Future of Heat: Domestic Buildings
54.13 Kb
Heat in Buildings: The Future of Heat - Non-domestic buildings - Call for Evidence
144.75 Kb
Air Quality Consultation (phase 2)
140.81 Kb
Local Air Quality and Noise Management in Wales Consultation
178.93 Kb
EUA Response to the DCC Consultation on a revised approach to the delivery of DCC Release 1.3
581.64 Kb
NGVN response to the Consultation on amendments to permissible vehicle weights and dimensions, including to incentivise cleaner fuel technologies, and other associated proposals.
508.56 Kb
ECO: Help to Heat
302.77 Kb
HHIC response to the Consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariffs scheme
219.48 Kb
HHIC response to the energy revolution enquiry
63.32 Kb
EUA response to the energy revolution inquiry
89.95 Kb
EUA response to the '2020 renewable heat and transport targets' inquiry
89.76 Kb
EUA response to the 'Home energy efficiency and demand reduction' inquiry
34.14 Kb
EUA response to potential RIIOT1 and GD1 mid period review
178.24 Kb
EUA response to National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence
178.00 Kb
EUA response to 'Reforming the business energy efficiency tax landscape' consultation
50.73 Kb
EUA response to 'Investor confidence in the UK energy sector' inquiry
386.67 Kb
The Renewable Heat Incentive: A reformed and refocused scheme
157.79 Kb
EUA response to the Consultation on ensuring regulation encourages innovation